Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lake Vermilion

Hello again.

Well, we just got back from a Phase I on Black Bay in the northwest corner of Lake Vermilion. It turns out that there is A LOT of rock up there. In fact, I had to ask Steve if you actually had to get the shovel into the ground to count it as a shovel test. It turns out that you do...

The lots we were working on had very little potential, again because of all the rock, but there was a small island/peninsula which we assumed would have high probability. Even looking at it from across the small inlet it looked by far the best area for a site.

To get there we had to cross a floating bog. Yeah, scary as hell... Every step is VERY squishy, and there is a ton of vegetation. But we made it across to the point. As it turns out the island was pretty disappointing! We may have been able to get one or two shovel tests in, but we decided that it could wait until today. However, today the construction crew was blasting rocks out of the new road, so we had to leave early this morning. So, a shovel test was not placed on the point.

We ventured around this island/peninsula for a while, and found a plastic and wood bench, a dock, and a boat lift with a boat! How do those people get to their boat? Take another boat? Anyway, we headed back across the bog, and I just about lost a shoe. But not for the reason you think. I had a bull snake slither across my boot, and it scared the shit out of me. Ask Steve, I yelped... Once I figured out that it was just a snake I was all good.

Of course we ate at... Mickey D's. The only restaurant in Cook. Our hotel rooms were pretty sweet. They had a fridge and a microwave. HOWEVER, trains went by EVERY HOUR! Not to mention the train tracks are only 200 yards from my window. I hate train horns! They blast like crazy! Stupid horns!

Today was very slow, we stopped and talked to the land owner, and it turns out he owns a Ford dealership. We are looking for a second field vehicle, so we shoot some bull and look at some SUV's, then head back to Duluth. Checked out some more SUV's at Duluth Dodge, then finally made it back to DAC.

Then all shit hit the fan! A client decided to use another firm to do a Phase II, after they gave us the go ahead. So nobody was happy. THEN a call came in from a company. We had asked permission to be on their land because it is in a project's APE. This company decided they didn't want us on their property because they might develop it. IF THEY DEVELOP IT, they will have to have a CRM firm come out and check their property ANYWAY!!! Oh, and they are on Park Point, and people at Fon du Lac are almost certain that burial mounds exist out there. Even if they don't, there is probably a 90% chance that there is a site there anyway! Well, I guess they will learn their lesson when they have to pay for someone to do it, instead of letting the city pay for it...

Overall, another boring worthless trip.

Heading up north again tomorrow. Apparently to the middle of nowhere, so come back tomorrow to hear about nowhere, and the powerlines that they want to put through it...

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