Saturday, September 27, 2008

Monitoring on SLRP

Friday Sue and I went out on Boulder Lake Reservoir, about a half hour north of Duluth. Here we are monitoring sites on a MN Power reservoir. We usually just measure the shoreline and observe the condition of the site. Whether it has erosion or ground cover. Pretty simple stuff. Anyway, it was beautiful out and was a wonderful day to be on the lake! We visited 10 sites, most of which I had never been to before.

On one site we found a bird decomposing in some grass on the shore. For those of you who don't know Sue, she is a bone fanatic! Everywhere we go we pick up all the bones we can find. She is trying to create a comparative collection so we will be able to identify random bones we find. That was by far the most exciting part of my day, we don't know what kind of bird it was, but it must have been HUGE! The long bones looked way to big to be from a bird. But I KNOW it was from a bird cause parts of it was still there :)

I head out to Baudette on Monday, so no updates for a week. Cheep motel with no internet. But the rooms are gigantic! So all is well.

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