Monday, February 16, 2009

What's new in the land of Joe

Well, it's been a while, but lets see if I remember how to do this.

It's been a pretty busy winter so far, I've got A LOT of work to do, which is GREAT! I've been accessioning (cleaning and documenting) all the artifacts (chipped rock, projectile points or 'arrowheads', and pottery) that we collected last summer. Now, I am writing a report on one of the sites that we worked on over by Aitkin, MN. It's going pretty well, mostly because we already had to turn in a field report (a kind of VERY rough draft with only essential information).

Now we have 4 interns coming into work, two working on projectile points with Steve, and two working on accessioning artifacts from sites that have been sitting in boxes for years. Someone did the field work, but ran out of time or money to accession the artifacts. So I get to work with them when I have time or when they have questions.

I'm looking at Universities again, the University of Manitoba, Illinois State University, and Western Michigan University. I visited ISU a couple weekends ago with the 'rents, and Jenna and I are visiting the U of Manitoba in the middle of March (my Christmas present!)

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