Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Shovel test (ST)- a hole about 18 inches in diameter, usually about 16-20 inches deep. Occurs during a Phase I.

Unit - a 1x1 meter square hole that is taken down at a consistent rate. Usually we remove 2.5 inches in a level, 1 inch and 4 inches are also acceptable. Occurs during a Phase II and Phase III.

APE - Area of Potential Effect

Phase I - This is how we test to see if there is a site. We place ST's in high probability areas, usually 5, 10, or 15 meters apart. We then use the positive ST's to determine the dimensions of the site.

Phase II - If a site is unable to be avoided we put in 2-4 units. This allows us to determine if the site is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Phase III or mitigation - If a site is found to be eligible, and is still unable to be avoided we then place more units. Here we try to remove as much of the site as we can.

Site - An area where artifacts are found.

Berm- remnants of piles of dirt, from the inside and outside of an old building, that were used to keep out the wind.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Your job makes a lot more sense to me now that you've defined all those words you use when talking about a job.