Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let's Type Again!

Alright, so I took a year off. I think it is time to get back to posting, even if nobody reads this dribble.

So, a lot has happened since we last talked. I was laid off, had to find a new job, found a new job, had to move back in with my parents, and got a dog named Fritz!

I'm still an archaeologist, just working for a different firm, located well away from Duluth. It's in Cresco, IA, which is like 20 miles west of Decorah, IA. There are a bunch of cool people at work, including another guy from WI, one from MN, and some from IA. I'm sure you don't think cool people from Iowa exist, but I've met a few...

We have been working along the Mississippi River evaluating a bunch of sites for the Army Corps of Engineers (which was the final jeopardy answer today). Essentially we are determining if there is enough physical remnants to extrapolate any more data from the site. OR, we are looking to see if the stuff that is left (if there is any) will allow us to understand the site any better. Most of the sites have been pretty crappy, with little to no artifacts remaining, but we have found a couple that are really cool, even if they do have a bike path resting on top of most of the site!

Just got back from out East. Jeremy just graduated from Yale, but he can't find a job... educational psychology...

Anyway, that's a huge post! I'll try to keep it down next time, which I hope will be soon!

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