Thursday, June 17, 2010

Site done

So we are done with the site. Phase II complete... 20 units dug! Kinda crazy week. Beautiful, rainy, hot, and that was just today!

This site was messed up, it was an agricultural field, therefore it was plowed. It's a flood plain, therefore it has alluvial deposits. It also appears to have been bladed, or partly bladed, off, reducing our sample size. So essentially we had 20cm of disturbed soil to find stuff. But because of all the disturbance there is no vertical provenience. So we can't tell what's older than what.

Crappy site, crappy weather, but at least we were back to work! But I'm not so sure that we will be in the field again next week. The rain keeps coming, which keeps the rivers full, which means we can't work on them. So if I'm in the field I'll keep you updated, if not, I'll be back when we get back out into the field!

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