Friday, November 28, 2008

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

So I went out into the woods with a gun again today. You couldn't really say I went hunting, because I am pretty sure that means that prey was involved. Well, I did get bored and shoot a grey squirrel with my 30/30. Sorry to say, nothing was left...

I saw ZERO deer today, that sucked, cold and dark and boring, NO DEER!

Lets go over what I heard and saw though...
-Heard the owl that says "who cooks for you" don't remember what kind of owl that is, but I heard it.
-Heard some turkeys
-Heard some geese
-Heard some woodpeckers
-Saw a whole TWO grey squirrels, and yes, I shot one of them

However the big news comes from about 9:30 this morning. I'm sitting on the edge of the south east cornfield when what do I gaze upon???

A GREY WOLF!!! Yes, I'm not kidding, I thought everyone was crazy and they weren't actually seeing a wolf, but I was wrong. There is was standing on the edge of the cornfield about 30 meters away, looking at me.

Gotta say, that was and AMAZING experience!
Oh, and I want one for my own... :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Jung Typology Test

I didn't agree with my personality, so I retook the test. As I suspected, I got different results, which match previous personality tests. So here we go!

Extraverted 78
Sensing 12
Thinking 38
Judging 56

Supervisors are highly social and community-minded, with many rising to positions of responsibility in their school, church, industry, or civic groups. Supervisors are generous with their time and energy, and very often belong to a variety of service clubs, lodges, and associations, supporting them through steady attendance, but also taking an outspoken leadership role. Supervisors like to take charge of groups and are comfortable issuing orders. They are cooperative with their own superiors, and they would like cooperation from the people working under them. Rank, they believe, has its obligations, but it also has its privileges.
Comprising at least ten percent of the population, Supervisors enjoy and are good at making schedules, agendas, inventories, and so on, and they much prefer tried and true ways of doing things over speculation and experimentation. Supervisors keep their feet firmly on the ground and would like those under their supervision to do the same, whether employee, subordinate, spouse, or offspring. Supervisors have no problem evaluating others and tend to judge how a person is doing in terms of his or her compliance with, and respect for, schedules and procedures.

Supervisors are unbelievably hard-working. Even as children they are industrious, and they usually respect their parents as authority figures. In school Supervisors are often model students, dutifully following directions, doing all their homework, doing it thoroughly, and on time. Above all else, they wish to do what they are supposed to do, and they rarely question the teacher's assignments, method of instruction, standards, or authority. And their industry and perseverance only become more important to them as they grow into adulthood and take on the responsibilities of job and family.

Supervisors approach human relations along traditional lines. Marriage and parenthood are sacred to them, and they tend to have a large circle of friends, with many friendships faithfully maintained over the years. Social gatherings and ceremonies have great meaning for them, and they look forward to holiday parties, club dances, weddings, class reunions, awards banquets, and the like. In social situations, Supervisors are friendly and talk easily with others. Though they can seem a bit formal in their manners, Supervisors are pretty easy to get to know. At ease in polite company, they tend not to confuse people by sending double messages or putting on airs-what they seem to be, they are.

Jack Webb, Judge Judy, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, George Washington, Sandra Day O' Connor, Mike Wallace, and Vince Lombardi are examples of a Supervisor Guardians.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Deer Slayer

Well you can just call me the deer slayer. I mean you don't have to, and it isn't really even that fitting of a name after today. I did not shoot a deer today. In fact, I only saw two that I could have even taken a shot at. I decided that shooting a doe in the middle of a swamp was not worth the trouble, so I let them go. Other than that I saw a couple fawns prancing around on the other side of the fence...

I also saw plenty of grey squirrels, and even a squigger... a pilleated (sp) woodpecker, a flock of turkeys, and plenty of chicka dee dee dee dees. I did hear an owl, but never saw it.

Up and at em bright and early tomorrow morning for a quick hunt, but not expecting to see much after I found were my cousin and his father set up their "shelters"(don't get me started). After that it's back to the shore of the great lake for 3 days of "work" then home again for turkey day!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Thank God it's Thursday! Yeah, that's right, Thursday! It was cold as hell, if hell was frozen over... How about a recap of the temperature. 18 degrees with 14+ MPH winds... VERY COLD. But who cares, I am getting paid to sit in a hotel room. Not because it's cold, but because we finished all our jobs, oh, AND because it's REALLY COLD!!

Steve and I wasted some time by going to the liquor store. I could really go for a good whiskey or tequila... But I didn't buy any, cause I would be drunk by now, and I'm trying to save money for xmas presents and another tattoo in January.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Guess what!!

I couldn't find a mad bomber hat, and it was even colder today!! We didn't even put in 8 hours because of the cold. AND, tomorrow has a HIGH of 21 degrees!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..... and still no mad bomber hat.

I did find some super sweet glomitts though. You know, glove/mittens. Anyway, these ones have THUMB FLAPS!!! so I can take notes while keeping most of my hand warm!! It is amazing. I also bought some hand warmers, but apparently by hand warmers they mean hand somewhat warmer than the bitter cold air warmers...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The cold

Well, it is VERY COLD out today. Like 15 degree windchill... Ok, so it could be colder, but you go stand outside all day. I am going to go get a mad bomber hat at walmart tonight, maybe that will keep me warmer! Tomorrows wardrobe will consist of long underwear, my thickest wool socks, a long sleeve, a sweatshirt, my mad bomber hat, and my coat.

YES, it is THAT COLD!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

NLAS with JC

So I convinced this beautiful nerd to join me at a Northern Lakes Archaeological Society meeting. It was pretty long, and pretty unorganized. It was GREAT to have someone there who wasn't 30 years older than me. Don't get me wrong, Grandpa Don is great, but I can't relate to anyone there.

Anyway, it turns out I stepped on a couple toes with an earlier post, and I need to say that I am sorry. You know who you are...

I had such a great night, singing Christmas music all the way to Two Harbors, even if it was very loud BY MYSELF... for some reason my wonderful girlfriend wouldn't join me!

If anyone wants to know about 17th Century Fur Trade Axes, don't ask me... ask the guy who gave the presentation. It was too sporadic to follow, at least for my little mind.

Personality type

Just thought I would take a personality test while at work today. Here are the results.

Your Type is

Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging

Strength of the preferences %
78 12 12 56

If you are wondering what that means...

Guardian™ Portrait of the Provider (ESFJ)
Providers take it upon themselves to insure the health and welfare of those in their care, but they are also the most sociable of all the Guardians, and thus are the great nurturers of social institutions such as schools, churches, social clubs, and civic groups. Providers are very likely more than ten percent of the population, and this is fortunate for the rest of us, because friendly social service is a key to their nature. Wherever they go, Providers happily give their time and energy to make sure that the needs of others are met, and that social functions are a success.
Highly cooperative themselves, Providers are skilled in maintaining teamwork among their helpers, and are also tireless in their attention to the details of furnishing goods and services. They make excellent chairpersons in charge of dances, banquets, class reunions, charity fund-raisers, and the like. They are without peer as masters of ceremonies, able to speak publicly with ease and confidence. And they are outstanding hosts or hostesses, knowing everyone by name, and seemingly aware of what everyone's been doing. Providers love to entertain, and are always concerned about the needs of their guests, wanting to make sure that all are involved and provided for.
Friendly, outgoing, neighborly - in a word, Providers are gregarious, so much so that they can become restless when isolated from people. They love to talk with others, and will often strike up a conversation with strangers and chat pleasantly about any topic that comes to mind. Friendships matter a great deal to Providers, and their conversations with friends often touch on good times from years past. Family traditions are also sacred to them, and they carefully observe birthdays and anniversaries. In addition, Providers show a delightful fascination with news of their friends and neighbors. If we wish to know what's been going on in the local community, school, or church, they're happy to fill us in on all the details.
Providers are extremely sensitive to the feelings of others, which makes them perhaps the most sympathetic of all the types, but which also leaves them somewhat self-conscious, that is, highly sensitive to what others think of them. Loving and affectionate themselves, they need to be loved in return. In fact, Providers can be crushed by personal criticism, and are happiest when given ample appreciation both for themselves personally and for the tireless service they give to others.

That is a lot of words...
Here is the place I took mine

I'd be interested to hear what the rest of you are!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A good day

Today has been a good day so far. Drank last night, slept till 12:30 today, then watched the Vikings play a horrible game while the Packers beat the crap out of the Bears.

The Badgers basketball team is playing, and I get to watch that too.

Tomorrow I get to sit in the office, then go to a meeting in Two Harbors. It should be a good NLAS meeting with a presentation on 18th (or 19th, I can't remember) Century French Trade Axes.
Gonna eat some pizza for supper, YUM!!!

Borrowing season 3 of House from a friend! So if you can't get a hold of me for a couple days that is why...

Trying to decide whether to go hunting next weekend or stay in Duluth and go to the Bulldog's second round football playoff game. They were 11-0 this year...
Anyone with an opinion should share it with me! I love input!

Wild and beer

Hung out with the roommates tonight. We went over to John and Rebecca's house and watched the Wild game, while listening to the 'Dogs hockey game on the radio.
I will be so glad when basketball starts next week...

They have a kegerator, which means I got free beer because they are trying to get rid of the keg they have. And I'm not going to turn down free beer...
We also watched "forgetting Sarah Marshall" that movie is hilarious. However it does bring back some bad memories, which will probably resurface while watching plenty of movies. Oh well, life goes on. I've got a great girl to talk to, to hang with, and to inspire my academic future! So no need to dwell on the woulda coulda shoulda...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wisconsin Vs. Minnesota

So, as I am watching right now an ambulance is coming onto the field to attend Kyle Jefferson after a vicious helmet to helmet hit.

I will be back to update my thoughts at halftime, then again after the game.

Well the Badgers pulled it out. Their defense played very inspired in the second half, so whatever Bielema said worked. So much for the worst coach of the year...
Anyway, the offense ran and threw all over Minnesota, who simply looked outmatched in the second half. A couple of safteys were a nice touch, after the Vikings had two against the Packers last week. Poetic justice?
With Decker sitting on the sideline the Gophers put up a fight, although never really looking impressive. The three points that separated the two teams at the final whistle doesn't really serve justice to the Badgers second half comeback. That would mean they outscored the Gophers by 17 in the second half.

Michigan Vs. Northwestern

Well let's hear what I think about college football today.

Lets start with the first game I watched today, Michigan and Northwestern.
The Wolverines have looked pretty good the last couple weeks. At least they are competitive... Northwestern is pretty banged up playing their third string running back, and their hurt quarterback.
Michigan started out strong with a 14-7 lead, no problems moving the football in the first half. Once the offense got stagnant the defense couldn't stop the Wildcats. It went to halftime tied at 14. Michigan couldn't move the ball AT ALL in the second half, starting with 3 three and out possessions. Northwestern came out strong and scored quickly and that was the final score.

A disappointing game for all Michigan fans. Again they were unable to keep the lead late in the game. If they can put two halves together next year they could have a descent season.

On the other hand, Northwestern has continually been improving season after season. And could be a scary team again next year. Still probably 2 or 3 good years from being added to the Big Ten champion conversation.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Day

Well it's a new day, and I'm feeling good. Although there is a 90% chance of rain/snow. Those who know me know how I have the rain.

Got to get ready for work though. I'll be back later to leave some more notes about the packers, my day, my fantasy team, and how excited I am to be done with drama!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bemidi and Park Point

This week We made a trip to Bemidji. Let me tell you, it was pretty pointless. I know a lot of my posts have said that, but this one takes the cake. Our entire APE (Area of Potential Effect) had been destroyed by past activities.

Tuesday we left for our magnificent job. We met an engineer who is working on the project, and he showed us where they are planning on putting the new bike trail. Turns out most of it is running through a park, along a road/sidewalk, and through the college campus. So we start in the park on the south end of the APE and low and behold the whole area is disturbed. We had evidence in EVERY shovel test... Our evidence can be modern garbage deep in the hole, or mixed sediment colors or types. In other words if we find a distinct division between the top and bottom layer there is a pretty good chance the area has not been disturbed.

Wednesday we shovel tested all day. Again, it was all disturbed. Well, not ALL. We did shovel test along the lake behind an ice berm and on a flood plain. So we had VERY shallow shovel tests. I mean I had one where I wasn't 20cm deep and my hole filled with water! That was crazy!!

Thursday was a wasted day where we just drove back to Duluth. And I sat in the office and played games on the internet.

Friday we went out to Park Point. I thought it was going to be cool, and we were going to find a bunch of stuff. It turns out we didn't find anything prehistoric. However we did find a possible historic dump. It had a lot of early 20th century garbage, including crockery, milk bottles, a cast iron lamp stand, an old wagon, and medicine bottles.

Tuesday it is off to the polls, then down to Camp Ripley. No clue on what we are going ot do down there, other than "collect a paycheck". That is what Steve told me...