Friday, November 28, 2008

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

So I went out into the woods with a gun again today. You couldn't really say I went hunting, because I am pretty sure that means that prey was involved. Well, I did get bored and shoot a grey squirrel with my 30/30. Sorry to say, nothing was left...

I saw ZERO deer today, that sucked, cold and dark and boring, NO DEER!

Lets go over what I heard and saw though...
-Heard the owl that says "who cooks for you" don't remember what kind of owl that is, but I heard it.
-Heard some turkeys
-Heard some geese
-Heard some woodpeckers
-Saw a whole TWO grey squirrels, and yes, I shot one of them

However the big news comes from about 9:30 this morning. I'm sitting on the edge of the south east cornfield when what do I gaze upon???

A GREY WOLF!!! Yes, I'm not kidding, I thought everyone was crazy and they weren't actually seeing a wolf, but I was wrong. There is was standing on the edge of the cornfield about 30 meters away, looking at me.

Gotta say, that was and AMAZING experience!
Oh, and I want one for my own... :)

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