Sunday, November 16, 2008

A good day

Today has been a good day so far. Drank last night, slept till 12:30 today, then watched the Vikings play a horrible game while the Packers beat the crap out of the Bears.

The Badgers basketball team is playing, and I get to watch that too.

Tomorrow I get to sit in the office, then go to a meeting in Two Harbors. It should be a good NLAS meeting with a presentation on 18th (or 19th, I can't remember) Century French Trade Axes.
Gonna eat some pizza for supper, YUM!!!

Borrowing season 3 of House from a friend! So if you can't get a hold of me for a couple days that is why...

Trying to decide whether to go hunting next weekend or stay in Duluth and go to the Bulldog's second round football playoff game. They were 11-0 this year...
Anyone with an opinion should share it with me! I love input!

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