Saturday, November 22, 2008

Deer Slayer

Well you can just call me the deer slayer. I mean you don't have to, and it isn't really even that fitting of a name after today. I did not shoot a deer today. In fact, I only saw two that I could have even taken a shot at. I decided that shooting a doe in the middle of a swamp was not worth the trouble, so I let them go. Other than that I saw a couple fawns prancing around on the other side of the fence...

I also saw plenty of grey squirrels, and even a squigger... a pilleated (sp) woodpecker, a flock of turkeys, and plenty of chicka dee dee dee dees. I did hear an owl, but never saw it.

Up and at em bright and early tomorrow morning for a quick hunt, but not expecting to see much after I found were my cousin and his father set up their "shelters"(don't get me started). After that it's back to the shore of the great lake for 3 days of "work" then home again for turkey day!

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