Monday, December 15, 2008

Party on Saturday

As mentioned in the previous blog, we had a little party on Saturday, strangeness ensued.

Let's start with my awesome moment.  Let's take a shot of tequila... OK... turns out you can't cough and swallow at the same time.  Even when you are done coughing you can't swallow, it all just runs out your nose.  That hurts like you wouldn't believe!!

We also had a discussion on poop.  And colored poop.  And how we should make something to change the color of your poop.  Then it got crazy... rhinestones were mentioned, followed by a slogan for our new company idea "Pimp my poop"

Other statements were made, but they probably shouldn't be written on here.  So, if you want a fun story email and ask for it.  It includes JJA and AS, JC's roommate and her boyfriend...

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